


100% working solution for Ksuite V2.22 external excepion eefface

Newest Kess V2 master Ksuite V2.22 (Item No. SE87-D) gets error "EXTERNAL EXCEPION EEFFACE"? www.eobdtool.co.uk engineer and some users have fixed it up and would like to share the 100% working solution, in order to help all users who are confused by this question.

100% working Solution (Tested):
Download this file "Driver_USBDEVICEDRV.zip" and install it:
Note: This file is safe to download, the engineer open an account and share here.
Usually the problem will be fixed.

If you are not so lucky to fix it ( a little part of users), download one more fixup software named "kess v2 fixusb (se87-d) " and install.
Note: This file is safe to download, the engineer open an account and share here.
BTW, the hardware I used is: Kess V2 master Firmware V4.036 Ksuite from here:
I post this link, not because this tool quality is problem, but this error "EXTERNAL EXCEPION EEFFACE" is common, and hope it especially helpful for the site users.

